An error occured while trying to create the Movie Animation.
QuickTime is not installed on this machine. You will not be able to use animation until it is installed.
QuickTime is installed; however, the QuickTime toolbox is not accessible.
^0 requires System software 6.0.2 or greater to run.
This machine is not equipped with Color Quickdraw.
Printing canceled by user.
The value^0 must be between ^1 and ^2.
The product of the weights must not exceed 256.
This macro has been corrupted. I've loaded as much as I can recognize.
This macro has been corrupted. I Can't continue execution.
Pixel values must be between 0 and 255.
You must specify an old and a new value.
The specified crop rectangle does not fit within the image.
The scale factor must be between 0 and 100 percent.
The rotation must be between 90 and -90 degrees.
The tilt must be between 0 and 90 degrees.
That image is a part of an animation sequence. You must close the animation window before closing the image.
The colors black and white at the ends of the colortable are reserved and cannot be modified.
The end of the file was reached while reading the data file. The image dimensions specified were too small. The image height will be truncated to fit the data.
The end of the file was reached while skipping the header bytes. The file cannot be loaded
Oops... Ran into the region size problem. Handle the problem in some other way but this. This message should NEVER show up when Joe User is using Imagic.
None of the images which are currently available can be used for overlays. Only images which have a transparency value specified can be used as overlays.
The rectangle is invalid. The bottom must be greater than the top and the right must be greater than the left.
The rectangle is too large for the image.
The images have different bits-per-pixel.
This image is an old format. The image will be converted.
The ImageList file is corrupted.
The images are not the same size.
Overflow. Either the item count is greater than can be stored in an unsigned long or the double precision sum-of-squares accumulation became too large to increment.
Odd… An error should have occured…
The macro could not be completed.
Unknown label "^0".
Completely out of memory. Exiting.
Out of memory. Memory is dangerously low. Free up memory by closing an image or two before continuing or risk a crash.